Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blast from the past

My spousal unit and I were out walking the dogs on Saturday. A new neighbor was outside doing yard work, so we stopped to welcome her to the neighborhood.

We chatted about random stuff, and then she said “I know you from somewhere.” I asked where her daughter goes to school to determine if we might have met through PTA or Band Boosters. “No,” she said. “I know you from a long time ago. Did you used to live in the North End and do you have a sister named Shelly?”

Yes, folks. She knew me when I was 13 years old! And I now worship her because she said: “You look just the same except your hair is darker.” SHE IS MY NEW BFF!

Sadly, I have photographic evidence that I no longer look 13. But as long as there is no mirror present, I can hang out with my BFF and pretend I’m young again. I can play my old Partridge Family albums on the turntable to set the tone. Do you think she still has any Barbies?


Anonymous said...

That's so awesome! Its always nice to receive a compliment like that!

Kendra said...

That is too funny! A few years ago a neighbor of mine told me that she thought she knew someone who went to highschool with, I have been out of highschool for eons, have lived in 2 sates since high school, and didn't go to school with my neighbor.
She asked me what my maiden name was, I told her it was VonBerg...certainly not too common. She said that a friend of hers from Oklahoma (I live in Georgia and went to HS in South Carolina) had been visiting her and saw my married name on a list that my neighbor had. This woman, Gwen, said...I think I was in that girls wedding 18 years ago!
Well once we put the puzzle pieces together, we found out that our mutual friend was indeed in my wedding, had graduated from high school with me, and had shared an apartment with me our freshman year in college.
What a "small world" to sound just a bit cliche!